FAQ for integration of DEXIS version 9.4.4 and 9.4.5 Posted on 25 Jun 22:50 , 0 comments

ProDENT intraoral camera can work with DEXIS and integration is simple and easy.


Here is some hints for the user of DEXIS v9.4.4 and 9.4.5

We have confirmed with Dexis official technical support that Dexis version 9.4.4 and 9.4.5 can not recognize ProDENT intraoral camera and the capture process will crash the dexis itself.


The DEXimage module of these 2 versions has some limitations on the integration and there is also no plan for the update of this issue by Dexis.



Call DEXIS or your IT support company to downgrade to 9.4.3 or upgrade to 9.4.8 or above


updated on June 26 2019