Laser Clinical Case:Laser Assisted Gingivectomy Posted on 27 Dec 23:03 , 0 comments
A 25-year-old female patient reported to the out patient section of the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics, with the chief complaint of decayed tooth in the lower right back region.Clinical examination revealed dental caries in 44,extending subgingivally (Figure 1A). A few drops of xylocaine (Lignox, Warren Pharma) were infiltrated and laser assisted gingivectomy was performed with 980 nm diode laser,with optical fibre thickness 320 μm,operating with a power of 1.5 W in continuous mode(Figure.1B). Class V cavity preparation was done. The patient hardly noticed any discomfort and there was absolutely no bleeding. the cavity was restored with a nano-ionmer restorative material (Ketac N 100, 3M ESPE) (Figure. 1C).Finishing and polishing of therestoration was performed on the same appointment.Patient was recalled after 15 days and successfulhealing of gingiva was observed (Figure.1D).
By Abhishek Gupta, Niharika Jain, Permanand Garebdas Makhija