980 nm Diode Laser Assisted Gingival Troughing Posted on 11 Jan 01:00 , 0 comments

A 23-year-old female patient reported to the outpatient section of the department with the chief complaint of pain in the lower right back region.After complete clinical and radiological examination,a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis was made. Root canal therapy was completed and access cavity was
sealed with miracle mix restoration (Figure A).Prior to impression making, few drops of xylocaine 
(Lignox,warren pharma) were infiltrated and gingival troughing was accomplished using 980 nm diode laser ,with optical fibre thickness 320 μm, operating with a power of 1.5 W in continuous mode to adequately displace the gingival (Figure B). Tooth preparation was finished for porcelain fused to metal crown and impression was taken with putty-wash technique using condensation silicone (Figure C).